Saturday, May 30, 2009

First cereal!!

Wow, today was a cool day! After all the drama with the doctors, not to mention other people's (daycare) opinions about when to start Natalie on cereal, the stars were aligned to make today the day! Natalie went from burping midway through her bottle, to recently getting angry during midway burping, as she didn't want to stop eating, to getting angry after the whole bottle was finished, so we realized the bottle wasn't quite enough to fill her.

We were both excited for this milestone. Nickie got out her space saver high chair and we christened it with our first solid food experience. Well, kind of. Nickie was conservative and only added a small amount of rice cereal to the milk. Natalie's expression during and after that first bite was so awesome. I'm glad we got it on videotape! I will try to get some more videos posted to the blog soon, but for now, enjoy these photos! As I was typing this, we hit another little milestone! Nickie told me that Nattie is turning herself in the exer-saucer all by herself! Today's a big day for our li'l angel!!!!

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