Monday, September 13, 2010

20 months and counting...

It's hard to believe we will be celebrating Natalie's second birthday in a few months. She is, as always, learning new things every day, but it seems she is learning things minute by minute recently. It only takes her hearing us say a word once for her to repeat it, or seeing someone on Barney dance for a moment before she is imitating it (in a much cuter rendition, I assure you).

One of the hardest things about being her Daddy at this stage is seeing her take so many bumps, bruises, scrapes and hard knocks as she is learning the principles of physics (such as "you can't run on one leg" or the hard-to-learn "your head cannot pass through solid objects harmlessly"). I know it's part of the process, but man, I understand why parents want to wrap their kids in three layers of bubble wrap  first thing in the morning.

Ok, enough rambling. Here are a few recent photos!

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