Her vocabulary is probably the biggest change in the past few months. She knows tons of words and will attempt to say practically any word. Lots of her new vocabulary center around food. She can say chicken, fries, applesauce, peas, pears, bread, ice cream, potatoes, green beans, corn, juice...and probably more that I am just forgetting about!
She has grown to love many other shows besides Barney.. She loves Dora, the Wiggles, Elmo, and SuperWhy besides Barney. However, I still think that her ultimate favorite is still that big purple dinosaur.
She loves my puppets that I used to have in my classroom. She knows the girl one by name (Sheila) and gets so into interacting with her. They sing together, laugh together, and even dance together!
Natalie has become more interested in dancing lately. Her definition of dancing is swaying and/or twisting back and forth. Out of nowhere she will say "Dance?" and want you to start dancing with her.
As you saw from the video. she can now count to 10 completely on her own. She at times will say her ABCs with you, but the only letters that you really understand are G, P, S, V, Z. The cutest part is that LMNO is just a rapid movement of her mouth and tongue with some sounds that are similar to those letters...too funny!
We are really looking forward to the holidays with Natalie. She helped me put up the Christmas tree. She loved looking at herself in the round ornaments and saying hi to her reflection. Natalie loves having the Christmas tree on now and says "oooh preeeettty"
Just in the past few days she has really started putting two words together in basic sentences. Like tonight, PawPaw came over to watch her while Joel and I were working and when I told her to say bye, she said "Bye PawPaw!" on her own. It is so exciting to see her get smarter and smarter!
I can't believe that in a little over a month our little girl will be 2! We have seen brief glimpses of what could be classified as tantrums every once in awhile. Most of the time she is tired when they occur, so they aren't too bad. Other times it is more because her feelings are hurt (like when I started her as I sharply said NO! when she attempted to taste Pumba's food as she was feeding it to him) so overall we can still tell that she has such a sweet heart and personality.
Natalie loves her Mam-ma (the best way I can describe how she says Grandma) and PawPaw (also cannot come up with an ideal spelling on how she says it!) She gets so excited when she finds out that she gets to see them! They are so awesome together!
We all love Natalie so much and continue to love watching her grow and change!
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