Sunday, February 6, 2011

Big Girl Bed!

We got Natalie her big girl bed today! We found a great deal on craigslist and Joel picked it up today!  When we brought it home, Natalie first thought that it was a very cool ladder (she is suddenly into attempting to "kime" (climb) things, so this was pretty cool.  So we quickly brought the mattress from her crib into the living room to show her that it was actually her new big girl bed!  She seemed pretty excited.
It came at the right time because it was time for her nap.  So I had her lay down on her big girl bed and I actually got her to take her nap there!  We were really excited for this big first step!
Soon after, it was time to head over to our friend, Jason's for the Super Bowl, so we didn't get the bed moved into her room before we left.
I brought Natalie home during the fourth quarter so she could go to sleep.  As I was attempting to rock her to sleep, she kept fighting it, so I asked her if she wanted to lay down in her big girl bed.  She said yes!  So here is the picture of her sleeping in the middle of our living room tonight.  We will probably move her tonight, but we are so excited that she seems to be positive about the new change!

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