Thursday, July 28, 2011

Natalie's First Carnival Rides!

A couple of weeks ago, I heard that our fairgrounds was having a fundraiser for a local charity where if you brought three canned goods you could ride all of the permanent carnival rides for only $5. So we thought this would be a good time to have Natalie try some rides to see if she liked them. She not only liked them, she loved them and she was one brave little two year old!
We started on the boats and cars that simply go around and around. She loved those, but I guess they didn't satisfy her sense of adventure. She spotted the bunny ferris wheel. It was meant for younger kids, but it still went very high in the air and adults could not ride with a child. She pointed and said, "Ride that one!" Joel and I were very hesitant for several reasons, so I tried to make sure that she understood that she would be by herself and she would go very high. She said, "YES! Ride that one!" So we put her on it. The first ride was stopped several times (which resulted in her being stuck up at the top!) due to other kids freaking out and crying. Natalie was never one of those kids! While riding it, we could not really tell how she felt about it, but that was the ride that she requested and rode the most! The operator was shocked at how many times she came back! So I guess we have a little daredevil on our hands when it comes to carnival rides!

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