Saturday, May 9, 2009

Stinkin Milestones

Well, Joel said that he would leave the doctor story to me. So I am going to give the short version (mainly because I am tired of thinking about it)
Natalie had her 4 month dr appt on Monday. I was very excited to hear how she was doing and to get feedback from the doctor. I had no idea that I was only going to get criticism and negative comments! Natalie weighs 16 pounds even. Yes, she is a big girl, yes, I know she is on the chunky side. Yes, I know that puts her at the 95% for her weight. However, I do not need to be told to stop feeding my daughter, that at this rate she is going to be obese, and be critical over the fact that she started off in the 5% and is now in the 95%.
I also got mixed messages about when to start her on solids (I was told by the other doctor to wait as long as I could til 6 months), this doctor at first said that I should be starting now. That is until she tried this neck muscle test that apparently Natalie failed.
When Natalie failed the neck muscle test, the doctor began throwing around the idea of her needing physical therapy and she wanted me to fill out a longer survey to see how behind she is in other areas.
So in one visit, I leave hearing that my daughter is on her way to being obese, stop feeding her, and she may need physical therapy. So with that, I am trying to get with a new doctor. (if only they would return my phone calls!)
Related to that, I am currently hating all of these stinkin milestones that Natalie should be reaching. I understand the need for them, but lately, I feel like they are taking all of the enjoyment out of being with her. I constantly have this nagging thought of working on one of the several milestones that she hasn't completed yet....I should have her on her tummy to strengthen her neck, I should be forcing toys into her hand to encourage her to hold objects...I should be waving things out of her reach trying to get her to reach out for things....I should be giving her a light push when she is on her side to encourage her to roll over....All of these on top of knowing that I should be talking to her, reading to her, letting her experience as many things as she instead of enjoying these moments, I just feel stressed out.
Before this doctor appt, I was def. enjoying things more....I can't wait until we get another perspective from another doctor that hopefully will put my mind at ease a bit.

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