Monday, July 6, 2009

Another Day, Another Milestone

I am so excited that my limited time of being a stay-at-home mommy has started! Natalie started it off right with another milestone. Well, she kind of began this milestone yesterday, but really started it repeatedly today. Natalie can now roll over from tummy to back and then back to her tummy! Watch out, she is going to get across the room before we know it!

She now loves tummy time, which is a huge difference compared to in the past when she would freak out. She loves tummy time and loves reaching and exploring toys around her. She also loves tags. I am going to post a picture of her choosing the tag on her playmat instead of all of the toys around her!

Natalie now eats (and loves) sweet potatoes, green beans, squash, and carrots. We were so excited to have Natalie try her first fruit the other day. We chose peaches (only because that was what babies'r'us had). Well, she actually didn't like them at all!! I tasted them, and I can't blame her! They actually had a bad twang to them that was pretty gross. So we are going to try bananas today and see if that goes better.

Now that I am home with Natalie we are even setting up a routine with her naps. It makes me sad how often she really wants to sleep, because at day care, she only gets about 40 minutes a day. Here is her newly established routine:
6am Wakes up and eats
6:30-7:30 Usually sleeps for another hour
7:30-8:30 Eats cereal and plays
8:30-9:30/10 Morning Nap
10:00 Eats
10:20-11:00 Active Play
11:00-12:30 Midmorning Nap
12:30-1:30 Play
1:30/2:00- Eat
2:00-3/4 Afternoon Nap
3/4:00 Play
4:30 Eat baby food
4:30-5:30 Play
5:30 Eat
5:30-7:30 Active Play
7:30- Bath
8:00 Bed

So she is getting three naps that are each at least an hour long!!! My poor lil girl must have been exhausted at day care. I am hoping that with this new routine in place she might allow it to carry over to day care (since she will still go to day care 2 days per week)

Well, I need to take advantage of this nap time and get some things accomplished!!

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