Friday, January 22, 2010

Trying Not to Neglect the Second Year Book!

Joel and I just received Natalie's first blog book in the mail today. It is an amazing service that actually publishes your blog (with all pictures) in a hardback book! It is so cool to have Natalie's first year bound and documented that way. We know that she will love looking through it as she grows up!
Joel and I were talking about how every year's book will be great. I then made the comment that her second year book is going to be much thinner! We both agreed that we really didn't want that to happen, so here I am to make an overdue update!
It has been quite a tiring couple of weeks! Natalie came down with a nasty cough, that developed into a pretty bad upper respiratory infection. She was suppose to have her one year doctor appt last Thursday, but we had to make it a sick visit instead. Dr. Murray said that she had an ear infection (that is number three) and was rattly enough in her chest that she wanted us to use an inhaler. I do not recommend attempting to use an inhaler with the tube and mask on a one year old any time soon! It was horrible and difficult every time. Natalie didn't seem to get better at first, she actually seemed worse! She was not eating or drinking, having diaper issues, and then when I would attempt to feed her, it seemed that she coughed and then threw it all up. I took her back to the dr. She agreed with my assumptions that she was just gagging from coughing and she didn't seem concerned about the diaper issue. By Sunday, she was finally starting to seem a tiny bit better. Unfortunately what happened next, made me actually understand how bad she had been feeling. I came down with a nasty stomach virus, that I couldn't keep anything inside on Sunday afternoon. Then Joel got it Monday morning. It was so exhausting to be sick and try to take care of a sick little girl who was quickly getting better. I am so thankful to say that almost a week later, we are all finally feeling pretty good, although Joel and I ended up with the cold that Natalie had as well! Aye aye aye!
Now that Natalie is feeling better, she is such a joy! She now loves to eat all kinds of food- we have now added cheese, deli meats, carrots, green beans, and other softer veggies to her diet. She absolutely loves to eat whatever we are eating. If we don't offer her some from our plate, she begs for it by whining and reaching out for it. Cute, but annoying at times!
She still hasn't walked on her own. I really think she is so close and could actually do it. Yet, she seems to just be dependent on having that security still. However we have gotten pretty good at walking with just one hand/finger for support.
She has added the phrase "yeah" to what she can say. She enjoys saying that almost as much as saying "Bye!"
The cutest thing that she now does is dance! She loves to play the alphabet song on her musical table and dance (her dancing is doing this small bouncing movement...sometimes we add clapping if we feel really crazy and there have been a few times that she has added some neck rolling too!) It is way too cute and funny. Of course we will work on getting that on film and sharing it here as well.
Natalie is also beginning to chose to get more cuddle time and hugs than before. It is so sweet when she actually comes up and just throws herself into you to get a huge hug.
Here's hoping that the next blog post doesn't have to mention any illnesses that come our way!

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