Saturday, April 3, 2010

It's a ZOO out there...literally!

Pretty as a peacock!

We had Natalie sitting on the turtle, but she wanted to stand- something about symbolism- don't ask me.

Nattie LOVED this goat.

The donkey could not have cared less that we were ogling it.

Natalie loved every animal she saw. This was in the "Outback Walkthrough" area of the zoo.

I like this shot of Mommy and Natalie on the go.

Obligatory "look at us at the zoo!" shot.

This Gibbon was hilarious- he was maxing and relaxing and did not let our presence bother him one bit.

Another obligatory "look at us at the zoo!" shot.  
Natalie took her first trip to a zoo, and it was a blast! We went yesterday, and it was a perfect day for it- I got off work at noon, and Nickie is still on Spring Break, so we took advantage and went to the Henson-Robinson Zoo here in Springfield before it got too busy. We were surprised at how much Natalie enjoyed seeing the animals- she got downright giddy over the goats! Can't wait to go back with her next year.

1 comment:

  1. Grandma Harris said I love the pictures and I do! Wow - is she growing up and getting prettier every day. God's blessings on you all. Rene


Let Natalie (and Mommy and Daddy) know what you think!!