Monday, March 21, 2011


I have been meaning to blog about this for the longest time. Natalie has had this nightly ritual since I can remember. Every night (and other times if she is sick, tired, or just wanting comfort) she wants to put her arm up my shirt sleeve. Sometimes she wants both arms up both sleeves. It is the sweetest, cutest, oddest thing! I used to call it tucking in, but lately I have shortened it to "tuck" which is what Natalie now calls it.
Tonight I had on a sleeveless shirt for the first time since last year. It was time for Natalie to go to sleep. She begins to snuggle in and realizes that there are no sleeves. She kind of pulls on my shirt in a few spots before saying, "It don't work!" I asked her if she wanted me to "fix" my shirt and she said, "Fix? Ok!" So I went and put on a shirt that had sleeves. Here are pictures of the happy girl sleeping after she could "tuck".

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