Saturday, March 12, 2011

Where is the time going?

It's hard to believe that a month has passed since we last posted. I sit here and wonder where that month has gone, and find it hard to believe you are almost 2 and a half years old. Every single day I look at you and marvel at how quickly you learn, adapt and grow on a daily basis. I can see changes in you that are profound, and some that are easy to miss if not paying attention. I am amazed at how brilliant you are, how quickly you learn complex tasks, how bright your eyes are as you watch my lips enunciate words so that you may repeat them more precisely. Most of all, I am proud of you for the sweetness that shines through in your words and your actions. For each unprovoked hug, for each heart-melting smile, for every "thank you" and "welcome" that comes so naturally to you, for every "sorry, daddy" that you utter when you needn't. I know in my heart you are a good person and I pray every day that God gives us the wisdom, knowledge and ability necessary to continue to guide you and direct you in ways that grow your sweet spirit. I love you, Natalie. Thank you for being the light of my life, and for making my heart swell with love and pride each and every day. 

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