I think I should blog about Natalie's new nickname....We have now reached the "fun" days of being two. Natalie has grown to be very independent(stubborn) and very emotional when things aren't quite going the way that she wants them. She has been pushing the limits more with her reactions to things that she does not like with screaming and at times hitting. However, with a time out and an apology, she can go from a terror to a sweetheart within seconds...thus the nickname of Jekyll and Hyde.....
Some funny stories when it comes to this trying stage...On a night a few weeks ago, Natalie was up way past her bedtime, so she was overtired and was really fighting sleep. She was really struggling with me when she suddenly sat up, looked at me, and slapped me. She then pointed to her time out spot and said in a very hopeful voice, "Time Out?" She had purposely slapped me so that she could get out of trying to go to sleep and go to time out! We could not believe how smart that was! (she did not get that time out by the way)
She also has been actually choosing the time out instead of doing what I am giving as the other "option":
"Natalie pick that up or time out."
"Time out" (she will go right to her spot and sit)
(2 mins go by)
"Ok, Natalie will you pick those up now?"
"Pick up, OK!" (and she immediately goes and does what was asked)
I have been pleased with the fact that in the past few days, she has been able to explain why she is in time out when we talk for her apology. She so knows how this routine goes that when she was playing with her Elmo this morning, I guess her Elmo was bad!...
"Emmo, time out!" (takes Elmo and puts him in her time out spot.)
Points at him and says: "Time out Emmo!"
(leaves and comes back) "Emmo, no skeeming! Say sawwy."
(picks him up and hugs him)
At least I know that she is clear on our expectations with time out! :)
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