Sunday, August 28, 2011

Just a Random Update

Well, we are back to school mode in the Harris household! Natalie has actually gotten much better with going to day care and no longer cries at drop offs. She isn't thrilled at the moment of leaving her, but she stays strong and then has a great day every day!
She seems to be fully potty trained at home (cannot think of the last time she had an accident) At day care, she is pretty much trained, except for #2. We for some reason cannot get that to happen there- which stinks because I would really like to graduate from pull ups, but do not want that daily mess! She also sometimes has accidents after nap, but I wonder if she is trying to be quiet (like they are trained to do) and doesn't think she should tell anyone)
I only made it through 3 days before I got to use my first sick day with Natalie. She woke up on Wednesday night at around 12:30 violently throwing up. She then got sick 6 more times from then until 5:30 in the morning. It was exhausting because our smart little girl associated the bucket that I was using with what was making her do this scary, horrible thing. So every time I put the bucket in front of her she would start screaming and shoving the bucket away, all while getting sick everywhere! UGH! It was terrible. Ironically I got my sub plans written, ran them to school, only to come home to a happy dancing Natalie who was completely over whatever that was (except for a smaller appetite that day) I was still happy that I took the day off though because I was exhausted and needed nap time even more than she did!
A few other random Natalie stories:
Natalie was putting together a puzzle that had a slice of cherry pie on it. We asked her what it was. Her response? Pizza fruit! She is so smart!
Natalie also continues to be her momma's girl and loves Cosby. We were watching it together and Cosby told Theo that he would get strawberry shortcake and they could eat strawberry shortcake together. Natalie's face suddenly had a look of confusion and disgust..She said, "Cosby, why eat Strawberry Shortcake?!?!?! No, that's gross!"


  1. Joel & Nicky, I'm trying again....
    Wonderful meeting all three of you - it was such a wonderful, joyful remberance of your mom's life. So happy to have known her. Rene

  2. Rene,
    It was great to meet you as well. Thanks for being one of Natalie's biggest fans! We are glad to see a comment from you and we will try to update the blog again very soon!

  3. SO happy this finally came thorugh. I am going to be sneding you a lovely reading I got off the computer the other day. Will send copies to Rick & Vickie, too. Looking forward to seeing this darling girl grow. In Christian love, Rene


Let Natalie (and Mommy and Daddy) know what you think!!